Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Soal-Soal Bahasa Inggris (60 soal)

Situation 1 : Rangga and Maya are telking about Maya's childhood
Rangga : I heard that you were born in Singapore. Is that true ?
Maya   : Yes. I (1) .... my childhood there.
Rangga : What about you little brother, Farid? Was he also born there?
Maya   : Yes. But, (2) .... we moved back to Indonesia.
Rangga : I see. So, how (3) .... your childhood back in Singapore?
Maya   : Well, there's not much I remember. I was 5 years old at that time. But, I do remember that my parents and I used to (4) .... to a big bookstore.
Rangga : It's so you, always amazed by books. By the way, can I borrow some of them?
Maya   : Of course.
Rangga : Thanks. I wish I (5) .... many books like you do.

1. A. spent
   B. spend
   C. am spending
   D. will spend
2. A. when two months old, he was
    B. when was he 2 months old
    C. when he was 2 months old
    D. when 2 months old, was he
3. A. is
    B. were
    C. was
    D. are
4. A. going
    B. went
    C. gone
    D. go
5. A. had
    B. have
    C. has
    D. have had

Situation 2 : Adi and Ali are talking about transportation.
Adi : Where are you going, Ali ?
Ali  : I'm going to Depok by train. Do you know (6) .... ?
Adi : I think you'd better not (7) .... the train now.
Ali  : Would you mind (8) .... me why, Adi?
Adi : I just heard on the news that there was a train accident in Pasar Minggu
Ali  : So, what (9) .... I do?
Adi : Take a taxi. It's more expensive, but it's safer.
Ali  : You're right. Oh .. I wish I (10) .... my motorbike.

6. A. where is the train station
    B. where the train station is
    C. is the train station where
    D. the train station is where
7. A. taking
    B. take
    C. to take
    D. took
8. A. to tell
    B. told
    C. tell
    D. telling
9. A. should
    B. would
    C. may
    D. will
10. A. don't sell
     B. didn't sell
     C. hadn't sold
     D. haven't sold

Select the options which best completes each sentence!
11. Vina became .... poetry after she had read Rendra's poems.
 A. interesting in
 B. interest in
 C. interested in
 D. to be interest

12. The lecture on environment was neither interesting .... challenging.
 A. or
 B. and
 C. but
 D. nor

13. My father .... a chain smoker. He smoked at least four packages a day.
 A. used to be
 B. uses to be
 C. is used to be
 D. using to be

14. The examinition is not only easy .... fun.
 A. but
 B. but also
 C. or
 D. nor

15. Sam is .... student I have had this year.
 A. the more diligent
 B. most diligent
 C. the most diligent
 D. more diligent

Select the options which best complete the passage.
          My daughter, Sinta plans to go abroad to continue her studies. She has planned this since she was in Junior high school. However, thinking of letting Sinta live alone in foreign country (16) .... me a lot. Once I got (17) .... afraid of the idea that I asked her to change her mind. Sinta smiled at me and explained to me nicely (18) .... she wanted to go abroad. The way she convinced me showed (19) .... Sinta was not a little girl anymore.
          Sinta, has always been a good daughter since she was a baby. I was (20) .... when she was born. I gave up my job to stay home and take care of her. Little Sinta was neither trouble (21) .... a burben to me. She learned things quickly and always made me (22) .... . I taught her the alphabet and children songs. Sinta grows more beautiful and (23) .... everyday. She has become a (24) .... and independent person. I (25) .... I really do not have any reason to worry.

16. A. has scared
     B. scaring
     C. was scaring
     D. scares
17. A. so
     B. very
     C. such
     D. too
18. A. when
     B. why
     C. whom
     D. which
19. A. when
     B. why
     C. that
     D. who
20. A. exciting
      B. excite
      C. excitedly
      D. excited
21. A. nor
     B. or
     C. and
     D. but
22. A. laughed
      B. laugh
      C. to laugh
      D. laughing
23. A. smart
      B. smartest
      C. smarter
      D. the smartest
24. A. care
      B. cares
      C. cared
      D. caring
25. A. guess
      B. am guessing
      C. guessed
      D. have guessed

Select the options which best complete the sentences!
26. ..... the onions into small pieces before you fry them.
 A. stir
 B. cut
 C. boil
 D. mix

27. On independence day, most citizens, especially children, ..... games.
 A. deal with
 B. look after
 C. participate in
 D. look for

28. The bedroom was dark so I asked my brother to ..... the broken light bulb.
 A. fill
 B. break
 C. throw
 D. replace

29. Nowadays, many banks help their customers to buy houses in ....
 A. installments
 B. agreements
 C. appointments
 D. arrangements

30. My friends and I have .... some rooms in Hotel to celebrate New Year's Eve.
 A. borrowed
 B. reserved
 C. gone
 D. done

31. Hotels always try to ..... good service to their customers.
 A. take
 B. satisfy
 C. use
 D. provide

32. My aunt, who is a Sundanese, love uncooked or .... vegetables.
 A. sweet
 B. sour
 C. raw
 D. hot

33. Dona would like to .....  a job as secretary.
 A. apply for
 B. receive
 C. send in
 D. make

34. I should congratulate Santi because she got her ....
 A. holiday
 B. promotion
 C. proces
 D. entertainment

35. Dina had traffic ..... last week, she had to be hospitalized.
 A. regulation
 B. jam
 C. accident
 D. light

Select the options which the best complete the dialogs!
Situation 1 : Ani is asking Lia on how to use ATM
Ani : Lia! I have never used an ATM card before. Could you show me to withdraw money from it?
Lia : Sure. First (36) ..... your ATM card and enter your PIN number. Then, read the menu on the monitor and (37) .... "Withdrawal"
Ani : Hmmm... so I push this button, right?
Lia : Correct. Now select the (38) ..... of money you want withdraw. Take the money and wait for the (39) .....
Ani : Thanks. it sounds easy.
Lia : Don't (40) ..... to take out your card.

36. A. go
      B. adjust
      C. send
      D. insert
37. A. touch
      B. erase
      C. count
      D. turn
38. A. weight
      B. sum
      C. quality
      D. account
39. A. bill
      B. prescription
      C. receipt
      D. paper
40. A. think
      B. want
      C. move
      D. forget

Select the options which best complete the passage!
          The problem of looking after old people is grater today than never before. It is difficult for old people to be (41) ..... cared for by their children because quite often the children go out to work. Another problem is that nowadays the (42) ..... between two generations in one house is often difficult, with three generations, it will be almost impossible.
          Bearing this in mind, I (43) ..... that old people should be the state's responsibility, not the family's. They should be supported (44) ..... , so that they can end their live without (45) ..... about money. If they wish to live in their own homes, but they (46) ..... special care, they should get it from a government nursing system.
          In many countries, old people can live in (47) ..... homes, public money should be spent on building such home and (48) ..... facilities. Even better would be old people's flats or bungalows grouped together and under the (49) ..... of a trained staff.
          To sump up, I (50) ..... that looking after old people should be the responsibility of the state.

41. A. normally
     B. properly
     C. possibly
     D. eventually
42. A. partnership
      B. relationship
      C. cooperation
      D. organization
43. A. imagine
      B. predict
      C. think
      D. force
44. A. mentally
      B. physically
      C. religiously
      D. financially
45. A. worrying
      B. talking
      C. remembering
      D. realizing
46. A. insist
      B. need
      C. order
      D. enforce
47. A. unusual
      B. extraordinary
      C. special
      D. uncommon
48. A. dictating
      B. escalating
      C. promoting
      D. providing
49. A. supervision
      B. declaration
      C. independence
      D. preference
50. A. discuss
      B. know
      C. argue
      D. believe

Read the passage carefully!
One of the thousand of families who have left their villages to look for a living in Jakarta gave up the struggle yesterday. After two desperate days trying to survive on the streets of the capital, they collapsed, starving outside a major of building.

"We are not beggars, we want work, " said 45 year old Samat Bangkit as a passing youth offered them 5000 rupiah. But with empty stomach, no money, and a sick daughter, he took the money. A girl offered 10.000 rupiah and a post reporter did likewise.

Before using the money to buy train tickets home to his native village in Central Java, Samat told the story of how he gambled the family's last 10.000 rupiah on trying to make it in Jakarta but found it too hard.

Samat, his wife and small daughter left their village because of the long season and arrived at Gambir railway station. Samat had managed to make a little money selling balloons in Central Java for four years, and he immediately spent the 10.000 rupiah he had on balloons. In reach Jakarta, surely he could expect to sell enough to feed the family.

For a whole day, in baking heat, Samat walked between Kampung Melayu and Menteng offering balloons to passers-by. He just earned 2000 rupiah. That evening hunger forced them to spend the money on some rice to eat before falling asleep, still hungry, underneath a bridge.

Yesterday morning they started walking from Kampung Melayu towards the station, still trying to sell the remaining balloons. But heat and hunger overcame them and they collapsed in front of the Artaloka Building.

Gratefully accepting the money donated by passers by. Samat announced that he and his family were giving up their attempt to make it in Jakarta.

"I've had enough, I am going home. At least there we have relatives and neighbour. Here we have nobody, " he said.

51. Why did Samat come to Jakarta?
 A. to escape from his parents
 B. to visit relatives
 C. to find a job

52. How did Samat try to make it?
 A. by selling balloons
 B. by gambling his money
 C. by begging in the street

53. Which statement is true about Samat?
 A. he like to live in Jakarta
 B. he needs money
 C. he is rich

54. Why did they head for the station?
 A. they wanted to find a better place to sell balloons
 B. they were going to start begging
 C. they were giving up their attempt to survive in the city

55. Why did they stop in front of Artaloka Building?
 A. they were too weak and tired to go on walking to the station
 B. they thought that it was a good place to sell the remaining balloons
 C. they wanted to ask people some money to buy tickets to go home

56. How did they get money to buy tickets?
 A. by selling the remaining balloons to passers-by
 B. by accepting gifts from people who talk pity on them
 C. by using the last of the money they had brought from their village

57. How many paragraph are there in this passage?
 A. 7
 B. 8
 C. 9

Richard is the eldest of the Kartono's children. He is 27 and works as a sales representative for an office equipment firm in Jakarta. His wife, Sheila, died last year in a car accident. Their five-year-old son, Kevin, is just about start to school.

When his wife died, Richard went to live with his parents who have a house in Bekasi. His mother, Murti, gave up her job to look after Kevin so that Richard was able to carry on working.

A year later, Richard wanted to find a house of his own so that his mother could go back to her job, and so that he and Kevin could start to build a new life.

One day he saw an advertisment for a small house in Jatibening, an attractive suburb in East Jakarta, not too far from his parents. The price was reasonable and there was a good school nearby where he could send Kevin. He told his parents about his plan one evening after work.

At first his parents disagreed with Richard's plan because they would see Kevin less often. But after Richard convinced the parents and promised to visit them once a week, the parents agreed and supported the plan.

58. The following statements are true, except ....
 A. Richard has to raise his child alone
 B. Sheila had an accident
 C. Kevin will move to a new school
 D. Kevin's grandparents already passed away

59. Murti is Kevin's .....
 A. mother
 B. grandmother
 C. aunt
 D. niece

60. Richard plans to .....
 A. work abroad
 B. get married again
 C. move to a new house
 D. continue his study

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